Pictures from Australia III
Kakdu national park: bush fire. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

92.86 Kb
Kakadu national park: stone cross/trees. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

62.95 Kb
Kakadu National Park: Lovers watching the sunset under a stone cross. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

43.64 Kb
Elvira and I at a Darwin Pub. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

74.13 Kb
Darwin: tree.  - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

84.50 Kb
darwin sea shore. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

83.11 Kb
Darwin: outdoor painting at the sea shore. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

105.72 Kb
Kangaroos in the evening... - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

56.95 Kb
Darwin: trees - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

106.56 Kb
Darwin: sunset/trees. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.

90.14 Kb

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